Month: April 2024

Environmental Disaster in Katesh

Nearly a hundred people lost their lifes when an avalanche of water, mud and rocks came flooding down the slopes of Mt Hanang and buried the entire village of Kathesh and its  people underneath in the middle of the night end of last year. Hundreds got killed, lost their families, homes and relatives. The damage was devastating.

We have started a fundraiser for the people of Katesh to supply basic items for the ones that have nothing left.  Because of ongoing heavy rainfalls the journey postponed till now, but finally Hendry Tlawi, Physiotherapist, and Bryson Malleyeck pediatric and dialysis nurse from Haydom loaded a Jeep full of food, clothes and blancets and brought it to a central distribution point from where they will be distributed to the families most in need.

A big thumb of for our two Haydom Heroes and many thanks for all the donations that made this help possible.