A new wheelchair for Patricia

Maybe you remember that little girl´s smile that we had been sharing with you a couple month ago. She is living with her mother in a small remote village on the other side of Lake Victoria, more than a thousand kilometers away from the next bigger city Arusha and far away from medical services and supply.
Because of a delayed birth and lack of oxygen she is paraplegic and cannot walk. Barely able to move on her own she is not able to visit any school or getting physiotherapy. Most of the time of day she gets carried around by her mother, or is left sitting on the ground in the garden. The family is too poor to afford a proper wheelchair.

With the incredible generous help of Marcela Maranon (#thejourneyofabravewoman) and SitnSkate Hamburg we finally have managed to have mother and daughter travel to Moshi to get measurments taken for a special individual personalized children´s wheelchair. It was their very first big journey leaving their little village. Shedrack a physiotherapist from Moshi helped taking measurments and getting both mother and child accomodated while waiting for their new wheelchair to be made. Only 3 days after arrival the new and local made wheelchair was finished and little Patricia started to explore her new environment enjoying her new independency and freedom. The wheelchair is especially designed to resist the rough territorial surrounding of Patricias home. With the new wheelchair she will be able to move around on her own and even visit a special school nearby. Haydom-Friends e.V. will be updating you about her further progress.

If you want to continue supporting that little girls school education or helping her to get a medical health insurance card for this year you can support her with your donation on www.haydom-friends.org , just type “Patricia” and leave your contacts to receive updates and more information as well as a donation receipt. Thanks a lot for your help and support. Patricia is giving back a big smile in return!