Theresia our little Spina Bifida Warrior

Article Paraplegiker

Looking beyond the horizon. For children with spinal cord defects in countries like Tanzania, continence is often a matter of life and death. They do not have access to a wide range of products from various medical supply stores. Often a catheter has to be enough for 4 weeks. Without it, they suffer severe urinary tract infections and kidney damage. In addition, being dry is an important requirement for going to school, for example. Often the kids do not have a wheelchair to get around on their own.

The magazine Paraplegiker has published a nice portrait article about one of our Spina Kids from Haydom, which shows how the typical daily routine of a child with paraplegia looks like in resource-poor countries like Tanzania, and with which difficulties the little ones have to fight every day, but also with which simple means it is often possible and necessary to improvise. Haydom-Friends is very proud of our little Theresia from Haydom, who even made it to the cover of the magazine with her story. Hongera Sana little warrior.